There are a lot of reasons players never achieve their goals. A player’s journey is filled with roadblocks, set-backs, and unforeseen challenges. While each player faces unique challenges, one thing is certain: your path will be filled with obstacles. The difference in those who will eventually make it, and those who won’t is how these obstacles are perceived. Will you let them get in your way and stop you in your tracks? Or do you see them as opportunities to grow and set you on a better path? As Ryan Holiday says, “the obstacle is the way.”
I've witnessed countless talented players fall short of their potential, armed with an excuse for every setback. Didn't make the starting lineup? "Coach has it out for me." Underperformed at an ID clinic? "The fields were terrible, and I got stuck on a bad team." While these factors might hold some truth, fixating on external "whys" often becomes the real roadblock to progress.
Here's the hard truth: excuses are just defense mechanisms. They shield us from confronting perceived failures or limitations. But top performers? They don't waste energy on external factors. Instead, they look inward, assess honestly, and use setbacks as fuel to improve.
It all comes down to control. Once you truly grasp that you're the author of your own story – that setbacks are chapters of growth rather than full stops – everything changes. Remember, the goal is progress, not perfection. Chasing flawless performances or ideal conditions only leads to frustration.
“Perfection is the enemy of progress.”
Conditions won't always be perfect. You won't always feel pumped for practice. Sometimes you'll have to drag yourself out of bed for an early workout. But here's the secret: Doing even one minute of work beats doing nothing at all. Show up. Put in the effort. Consistency trumps sporadic bursts of motivation every time.
There will always be a reason not to do something. But today's "I can't" or "not going to" has a nasty habit of morphing into "I wish I had" a decade down the line. So, here's your challenge: Stop making excuses. Embrace the setbacks. Welcome the challenges. Take control of your journey.
The path to greatness isn't about avoiding obstacles – it's about using them as stepping stones to launch yourself higher than you ever thought possible.